graduation ceremony and exhibit
We are delighted to invite you to the graduation ceremony of our architecture masters program.
We are delighted to invite you to the graduation ceremony of our architecture masters program.
Are you looking for a creative and challenging career in architecture? Do you want to study in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment? Do you want to learn from the best architects and designers in Latvia and abroad? If your answer is yes, then RISEBA University Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD) is the right place for you!
Pavisam nesen izdevniecībā "Zinātne" ir iznākusi RISEBA Arhitektūras un dizaina fakultātes vadošā pētnieka un lektora Dr. Arch. Jāņa Lejnieka grāmata "Rīgas nākotnes vēsture".
Aizvadīts jau piektais Aizputes plenērs, kurš tiek organizēts sadarbojoties Aizputes renesanses biedrībai un RISEBA Arhitektūras fakultātei. No 11.-14. Maijam tika aizvadītas četras intensīvas plenēra dienas, kurās arhitektūras studenti no Augstskolas RISEBA, Liepājas Mūzikas, mākslas un dizaina vidusskolas (LMVV) kā arī starptautiskās komunikācijas vadības studenti no biznesa augstskolas Turība izveidotajās komandas strādaja pie Aizputes pils starpizmantošanas piedāvājumu radīšanas.
From May 11th to 14th, 2023, students and lecturers from various Latvian universities will gather in Aizpute for an interdisciplinary plein air to seek solutions for the reuse of the Aizpute Medieval Castle. We invite you to participate in the closing event of the plein air on May 14th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, when students will present their ideas to industry experts, representatives of the South Kurzeme municipality, Aizpute residents, and anyone interested. Please register here ->.