Starptautiskā konferencē aicinās izzināt aklos punktus arhitektūrā

RIXARCH atgriežas 2024. gada aprīlī: Stīvens Hols un Ole Vīgs, izcilie mūsdienu arhitekti; Kuldīgas pilsētas arhitekte Jana Jākobsone, tagad UNESCO mantojuma vieta; un CIVITA institūta prezidente Nensija Džozefsone ierodas Rīgā viesos; no ASV uz Nacionālo bibliotēku atceļo intriģējoša izstāde par vienu no Latvijas nenovērtētajām, bet spožajām arhitektēm Astru Zariņu; un augstskolā RISEBA uzņem saistošas diskusijas par aklo zonu arhitektūrā.

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Slice of architecture: The four columns of architecture

We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating world of architecture during the upcoming “Slice of Architecture” lecture. Renowned architect Dirk Jan Postel will delve into the very essence of what architecture truly is about.
The lecture will happen in the FAD studio, Durbes street 4, 3rd floor studio and Zoom.

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“Roma and the Teacher, Astra Zariņa” Exhibition   Camera

On March 14, 2024, the RISEBA University faculty of Architecture and Design, in collaboration with the ARHITEKSTI Foundation, unveiled the exhibition “Roma and the Teacher, Astra Zariņa” at the Latvian National Library. This exhibition celebrates the intellectual legacy of the renowned Latvian architect and pedagogue, Astra Zariņa, in Italy. It explores Zariņa’s long-standing research object - Rome, its public space, and the social significance of its roof landscape on the city’s daily life and culture. 

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