HYDROCITY: Urban Water Edge Conditions in Kipsala, Latvia, and Wirral, UK.

A collaborative design laboratory by Manchester School of Architecture and RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design

We invite you to experience the vision of the Manchester School of Architecture and RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design students on water edge conditions in Kipsala, Riga and Wirral Waters, UK. The exhibit will open its doors in the RISEBA H2O Quarters, Durbes Iela 4, at 18:30, March 13, 2024.

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Join the Daylight Talks lecture this week on Thursday, Feb 15, 13.00 at Riseba University / FAD Durbes iela 4 (3rd floor studio). LMDA director, researcher, also architect and designer Liene Jākobsone will talk about LIGHT, VIEWS AND TRANSPARENCIES. Talk introduced and moderated by Dina Suhanova.

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Piesakies profesionālā maģistra studiju programmai "ARHITEKTŪRA" līdz 2024. gada 31. janvārim!

Studijas notiek angļu valodā un sākas 2024. gada 1. februārī.

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Starptautiskais studentu plenērs ConnectA 2024 Camera

RISEBA FAD studenti kopā ar pasniedzējiem piedalījās starptautiskā studentu darbnīcā ConnectA 2024, ko organizēja ERASMUS partneri CEU UCH (CEU Cardenal Herrera University) Valensijā, Spānijā. Šī gada darbnīca bija veltīta piekrastes zonas "pludmales scenogrāfijas" projektēšanai, un to vadīja Atēnu studijas AREA (Architecture Research Athens) arhitekti.

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