RISEBA FAD arhitektūras studentu 2017./2018. studiju gada rudens semestra projektu skates 21. un 22. decembrī

Thursday, DEC 21, 2017
"First comes the theatre, then comes the theatre design" is an intriguing title for 3rd-year architecture student projects that deal with the future development of Latvian National theatre.
Latvian National theatre just recently on October 2017 opened the new annex to LMT New hall providing the entrance from the canal side, welcoming foyer with the cafe and improving accessibility requirements. The future development strives for even further extension taking over the site of the existing tennis courts. The rather ambitious building program aims to form a new addition with the black box performance and rehearsal halls, various public and auxiliary functions.
Students in six teams will start with their presentations of the research parts related to the existing situation, theatre architecture and design requirements, building program, site and other aspects.
Tutors for Architecture Design III studio: RISEBA Honorary professor, architect Andris Kronbergs, assistant professor Ilze Paklone.
Guests of the jury: architects Niklāvs Paegle (LV/AT), Bart Melort (BE) and Gosia Olchowska (PL/BE), Ojārs Rubenis (Director of the Latvian National Theatre), Jānis Dripe (Director of the Architecture department, RISEBA).
SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE Christmas edition – the open guest talk by architect Niklāvs Paegle (LV/AT) – "Ideas in Architecture. Venice Biennale".
Dec 22, 2017
1st-year Basics of Design I studio titled “Commune” will explore collective living of students designing the single unit proposals in a common tower structure.
Tutors: Gosia Olchowska (PL/BE), Didzis Jaunzems, Dina Suhanova.
Guests of the jury: architect Rūdolfs Dainis Šmits (LV/US), Jānis Dripe (Director of the Architecture department, RISEBA).
2nd-year Architecture design I studio will also deal with the concept of collective living and the future of living together by designing multi-storey housing projects for various sites in Riga.
Tutors: Bart Melort (BE), Ints Menģelis.
Guests of the jury: architect Niklāvs Paegle (LV/AT), Jānis Dripe (Director of the Architecture department, RISEBA).
Conclusion of the semester, projects exposition and annual awards ceremony.
Location: RISEBA Architecture and media centre H2O 6, 3rd floor design studios. The juries and events will be in English.