Slice of Architecture : Architectural Alchemy

Get ready to venture into uncharted territories where the mind meets mortar, and structures are more than just bricks and beams. Our gathering will serve to unravel the magic behind neuromarketing and its transformative power in understanding human behavior where we will together embark on an exciting journey to shed some light on how science meets design, and perceptions become spaces.
We invite you to take a "Slice of Architecture" and join us at Neuromarketing Specialist Ali Levent Kurtoğlu’s lecture on “Architectural Alchemy: Crafting Spaces Beyond Perception with Neuromarketing”. Dr. Kurtoğlu is flying from Istanbul, Turkey to give the SLICE Lecture at RISEBA FAD. The event is part of ERASMUS+ Mobility Program 2023.
The lecture will held in the H2O 3rd floor FAD Studio on December 8, 13:00 and will be streamed on Zoom: link
Meeting ID: 815 3199 4985
Passcode: 232682
Ali Levent Kurtoğlu, M.Sc.PhD.
Ali Levent Kurtoğlu navigated internationally the intricate landscape of the medical device industry for 20 years, wearing hats as an expert, manager, and director across R&D, Sales, Marketing, and Management. In 2020, he took a leap into a new chapter of his professional odyssey as the Co-founder and Managing Director of DOQU Neurobusiness Consultancy & Coaching. Here, he continues to unravel the mysteries of the mind, teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels and offering insights and applicable strategies that redefine success in the business world with a keen focus on Neuromarketing, Neurodesign, Neuroselling, Marketing Management, and Neurosensory Marketing. He holds 2 engineering and 2 social sciences degrees at graduate level.