Our 3rd Year students have have delivered exceptional results, and now we pleased to be sharing the work from one of the groups. The Studio´s theme was participating on the Saint Gobain International Architecture Student Contest, Edition 2025, on Nord Isère, France. The group composed of Lauma Freimane, Emīlija Bumbule and Ralfs Ašaks named their proposal "Jardin."
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We extend our invitation to anyone who wishes to attend this Slice of Architecture event, where Dr. Jérémy Cheval will be discussing the theme: “Architecture in the Anthropocene”
The event will take place in our H2O6 building, located in Durbes iela 4, on November 28th at 12:00.
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Esam pagodināti paziņot, ka RISEBA Arhitektūras un dizaina fakultāte sadarbībā ar nodibinājumu ARHITEKSTI , ‘T’ Space / Steven Myron Holl Foundation un Civita Institute ar procesa projektu "Astra Zariņa — dabas spēks" ir saņēmuši Latvijas Arhitektūras gada balvu 2024!
Process ietver mūsu mācībspēku, maģistrantūras un bakalaura studentu darbus no darbnīcas "Civita 2023", 2. starptautiskās arhitektūras konferences "Rixarch 2024: Blind Spot" un izstādes "Roma un skolotāja Astra Zariņa", kas norisinājās gan Rīgā, gan Bagnoreggio, Itālijā - Civita Institūtā.
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RISEBA Faculty of Architecture is participating in the International Saint-Gobain Architectural Contest once again.
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RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design has published its 3rd year design studio proceedings entitled Biophilia And Sustainability.
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Retrospection of RISEBA FAD 2023/2024 spring semester 1st year BA project reviews
Villa of the Future (inspired by ‘’ORDOS 100’’ villas curated by Ai Weiwei and Herzog & de Meuron)
Tutors: R. D. Šmits, R. Prēdelis, L. Šiliņa.
Guest Jury: Kristiāna Erta,Reinis Saliņš, Artūrs Tols.
#RISEBA #FAD #Architecture #design #Riga #H2O6
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Please submit your motivation letter (450 words) and portfolio (i.e. sketches, drawings, paintings, graphics) to email: rudolfsdainissmits@riseba.lv
Include: cover page with name and year. Provide 8-12 images (ma.), A4 format (.pdf).
Participant space is limited, call for application opens August 10th. and closes on September 9th.
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Congratulations to our faculty lecturer, Jana Jākobsone! She has been honored in the competition “Women in Architecture, Construction, and Design.”
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On March 14, 2024, the RISEBA University faculty of Architecture and Design, in collaboration with the ARHITEKSTI Foundation, unveiled the exhibition “Roma and the Teacher, Astra Zariņa” at the Latvian National Library. This exhibition celebrates the intellectual legacy of the renowned Latvian architect and pedagogue, Astra Zariņa, in Italy. It explores Zariņa’s long-standing research object - Rome, its public space, and the social significance of its roof landscape on the city’s daily life and culture.
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We are proud to share the news of a collaborative triumph in the architectural realm! Our distinguished tutors at the RISEBA University Faculty of Architecture and Design, from the landscape atelier ALPS Ainavu Darbnīca, participated in a team that achieved a monumental victory in the Riga Ropax Terminal architectural competition. This success was realized in collaboration with the globally renowned Zaha Hadid Architects and the esteemed Latvian firm Sarma Norde Architects
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Our students and tutors from RISEBA’s architecture department embarked on an uplifting trip to Manchester for the "HydroCity: Wirral Waters" project. This venture was a deep dive into the urban water edge conditions and hydrophilia in architecture, focusing on the "Wirral Waters" development area in Birkenhead, UK. The team engaged in zoning, masterplan creation, and pilot building design, shedding light on the "Blind spots in architecture," which is this year's academic theme. The collaborative effort with the Manchester School of Architecture will culminate in a book publication encapsulating their research and design proposals. The trip was an educational exercise and a journey of discovery, challenging biases, and embracing sustainable, digital, and socially inclusive architecture.
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Ar lielu lepnumu un gandarījumu vēlamies dalīties lieliskajā ziņā - mūsu arhitektūras un dizaina fakultātes talantīgie maģistra studenti Sergejs Kopils un Andrejs Kopils, kopā ar mūsu fakultātes skolotāju Hariju Alsiņu, ir ieguvuši otro vietu (veicināšanas balvu) Rīgas pilsētas konkursā par tiltu pāri Zunda kanālam!
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