The traveling exhibition "The Power of Detail"

The traveling exhibition "The Power of Detail"-excellence, innovation, secrets of history.

The exhibition dedicated to the excellence of Architecture, Construction, construction materials production, and restoration, "The Power of Detail", takes place in the lobby of RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and design, Durbes Street 4 from 8th of May till 8th of June.


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The Riga Project

RIGA Project | Object- Subject.

During the academic year of 2021./2022. FAD students will have the opportunity to participate in the Riga Project created by Rudolf Dainis Schmidt and his team based on 1987. John Hejduk's" the Riga Project " Book.


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The exhibition of RISEBA FAD graduates' works “Liminal Scripts” Camera

Liminal Scripts

The exhibition of RISEBA FAD 2021 graduates' works “Liminal Scripts”,from 01.04-30.04.2021 can be seen at RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design, Durbes Street 4, Ground Floor Lobby.

Due to precautionary measures and pandemic restrictions, no opening event is planned for the exhibition.

Colleagues, family members, friends and guests - you are welcome to see the exhibition!

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Letter of Recognition from the Cabinet of Ministers granted to the editorial office of the magazine “Latvijas Architektūra”

The editor-in-chief of the magazine has been Dr. arch., Associate Professor of the School of Business, Art and Technology "RISEBA", formerly also the director and founder of the Latvian Museum of Architecture, author of several books dedicated to the history of architecture Jānis Lejnieks; The editorial team includes the editor of a long-term magazine and co-author of many publications and books, architect Velta Holcmane, as well as the editor of the chronicle, the head of the Latvian Museum of Architecture, the curator of architecture and design exhibitions - Ilze Martinsone and others.

Link to the video is HERE

Dr. arch. Jānis Lejnieks is the main researcher and lecturer in RISEBA FAD. Congratulations!

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