FAD students take part in the International Students Research and Artistic Creation Conference "Changing World – in Search for New Solutions – 2017"

Šī gada 7. jūnijā noslēdzās RISEBA un AS „Rietumu Banka” studentu zinātniskā un māksliniecisko jaunrades darbu konference „Mainīgā pasaule – jaunu risinājumu meklējumos – 2017”, kurā divas dienas četru sekciju ietvaros savus zinātniskos ziņojumus prezentēja un ar radošajiem darbiem iepazīstināja vairāk nekā 60 studenti un skolēni.

Atzinības rakstus sekcijā "Biznesa psiholoģija un cilvēkresursu vadība" ieguva šī gada Arhitektūras bakalaura programmas absolventi Ervīns Gorelovs ar pētījumu "Satelītpilsētu modeļa piemērojamība esošajā Rēzeknes un apkārtnes pilsētu tīklā kā ilgtspējīgs risinājums Latgales centrālā reģiona attīstībai" un Mārtiņš Māls par darbu "Design Approaches and Principles for Austism Spectrum Disorder". Atzinību sekcijā "Reklāma vakar, šodien rīt" ieguva arī absolvente Aļona Purvlīce ar bakalaura darbā izstrādāto pētījumu "Contemporary Tendencies of the Development of Circus Architecture. Riga Circus".

Vairāk par konferences rezultātiem un foto šeit

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1st and 2nd year architecture students explores Finish architecture on the annual study tour from June 4 to 9 Camera

From June 4 to 9 architecture students of 1st and 2nd years went on the annual study tour to Finland. The road trip started with the bus tour to Helsinki, then continued to Tampere, Jyvaskyla, Seinajoki, Rauma and Turku. Students were accompanied by tutors Bart Melort, Gosia Olchowska, Dina Suhanova and Ints Menģelis.

Along the tour the group explored the historical architecture of Finland and Helsinki city, studied the legacy of the most celebrated midcentury Modernism Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, visited recent contemporary culture and sacral architecture and housing developments, visited the Aalto University and Tampere University of Technology, had a tour in the largest Finnish architecture office JKMM architects, enjoyed relaxing urban and rural sauna, and much more.

Photos: Dina Suhanova

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Summer admission for BA architecture studies at FAD is now open!

Information for Latvian applicants

Graduates of Year 2017 and scholarship seekers (citizens of Latvia) can apply for Bachelor study programmes through the united electronic application system (VUPP) starting from 26 June, 2017. Scholarship seekers, high school graduates of Year 2016 and earlier can apply directly to university (RISEBA Information Centre, 3 Meza Street, Riga) or through the online platform.
Admission period for applicants from Latvia is from 1 April to 19 August, 2017.

Information for International applicants

All international (non–Latvian) applicants can apply online –
Admission period for international applicants is from 1 April to 30 June, 2017.

Upcoming study year starts in September.

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RISEBA FAD end of 2016/2017 spring semester architecture student projects reviews and events Camera

The BA architecture student projects reviews this year are organised in three days from Wednesday, May 24 to Friday, May 26 concluding with the open guest lecture, award ceremony and student party in the courtyard of H2O 6 on Friday. 
Presentations will start on Wednesday, May 24, 9.00 with the 3rd-year architecture design studio projects on “Knowledge mile and mobility in Pārdaugava”. On Thursday, May 25, 14.00, 2nd year architecture design studio will present proposals for The Visitor Center of Daugavas loki Nature Park in Latgale. On May 26, 10.00, 1st year Basics of Design studio with the private house projects in Moscow Forstadt, Street Līksnas. Read more to see the program.

Welcome to join the presentations, reviews and other events!
Location: RISEBA Architecture and Media Centre H2O 6, Street Durbes 4, 3rd-floor design studio.

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