11th Latvian architecture school workshop THE NORTH GATE OF RIGA
Annual already 11th Latvian architecture school workshop with the topic THE NORTH GATE OF RIGA will take place in September 2016.
Annual already 11th Latvian architecture school workshop with the topic THE NORTH GATE OF RIGA will take place in September 2016.
Sestdien, 30. jūlijā Rojā ar vizuāli izteiksmīgu mākslas objektu atklāšanu noslēdzās augstskolas RISEBA Arhitektūras un Audiovizuālās mediju mākslas starptautiskā Vasaras skola TA_KA+. 2016. 10 dienās studenti radīja trīs mākslas darbus, demonstrējot arhitektūras un audiovizuālo mākslu mijiedarbības iespējas. Topošie arhitekti pārsteidza acis un paspēlējās ar klātesošo sajūtām.
RISEBA FAD continues its cooperation with the famous Japanese garden and landscape design company Kosuga Zohen. After a brief visit at the faculty and a guest lecture, Kosuga Zohen gave the opportunity for two students to go on the study trip to Japan from July 2 - 7 this year.
RISEBA UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE AND AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA ARTS JOINT SUMMER SCHOOL TA_KA+. 2016. July 21 - 31. 10 DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE AND MULTIMEDIA ARTS. I WANT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. In today’s world, creative, architecture or audiovisual arts-related works are often interdisciplinary. Such supplements as multimedia installations, which merge the perception of the space with visual adventure deliver a stronger emotional experience to the audience.