DesignSmash RIGA on Sep 15 / 3d printing: the present or the future?

This is your chance to become a virtuoso at 3D printing and challenge yourself against teams of young emerging designers by creating a new design-object in a single day! RISEBA University Faculty of Architecture and DesignDesignSmash and MassPortal joins the forces in organising design hackathon - a free event created to showcase Riga’s design talents. 

More information and updates on the Facebook event page here.
APPLICATIONS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 9! Click here to apply. The teams (2-3 people per team) will be assembled just before the workshop / competition day.

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2016/2017 academic year will start on Sep 5

The new academic year will start on September 5, 2016. For all freshmen this will be the very first year of their student life and, traditionally, there will be an introduction and a special event for all 1st year students from all RISEBA University programmes at 12:00 in the yard of the Main Campus of RISEBA University, 3 Meza Street. During the event you will be welcomed by RISEBA Rector and then all of you will join a RISEBA student march from RISEBA Main Campus to RISEBA Architecture and Media Centre H2O 6.

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RISEBA FAD and AVMM Summer school TA_KA+. 2016 is officially over. See you next summer! Camera

Sestdien, 30. jūlijā Rojā ar vizuāli izteiksmīgu mākslas objektu atklāšanu noslēdzās augstskolas RISEBA Arhitektūras un Audiovizuālās mediju mākslas starptautiskā Vasaras skola TA_KA+. 2016. 10 dienās studenti radīja trīs mākslas darbus, demonstrējot arhitektūras un audiovizuālo mākslu mijiedarbības iespējas. Topošie arhitekti pārsteidza acis un paspēlējās ar klātesošo sajūtām.

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RISEBA FAD 2nd year students goes to Japan

RISEBA FAD continues its cooperation with the famous Japanese garden and landscape design company Kosuga Zohen. After a brief visit at the faculty and a guest lecture, Kosuga Zohen gave the opportunity for two students to go on the study trip to Japan from July 2 - 7 this year. 

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