Slice of architecture: The four columns of architecture

We cordially invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating world of architecture during the upcoming “Slice of Architecture” lecture. Renowned architect Dirk Jan Postel will delve into the very essence of what architecture truly is about.
The lecture will happen in the FAD studio, Durbes street 4, 3rd floor studio and Zoom.

Lasīt vairāk

Slice of Architecture : Architectural Alchemy

Get ready to venture into uncharted territories where the mind meets mortar, and structures are more than just bricks and beams. Our gathering will serve to unravel the magic behind neuromarketing and its transformative power in understanding human behavior where we will together embark on an exciting journey to shed some light on how science meets design, and perceptions become spaces.

We invite you to take a "Slice of Architecture" and join us at Neuromarketing Specialist Ali Levent Kurtoğlu’s lecture on “Architectural Alchemy: Crafting Spaces Beyond Perception with Neuromarketing”. Dr. Kurtoğlu is flying from Istanbul, Turkey to give the SLICE Lecture at RISEBA FAD. The event is part of ERASMUS+ Mobility Program 2023.

Lasīt vairāk

Slice of architecture: City as a resource

Aicinām pievienoties lekcijai "Slice of Architecture", kurā Saimons Sjökvists Ph.D. Pētnieks un arhitekts, kurš strādā COBE arhitektūras birojā Kopenhāgenā (DK), pastāstīs par aktuālajiem projektiem, pie kuriem viņš pašlaik strādā, kā arī iepazīstinās ar savu dokotra disertācijas tēmas pētījumiem, tostarp lektora darbu Dānijas Karaliskajā akadēmijā.
Lekcija notiks FAD studijā, Durbes ielā 4, 3. stāva auditorijā un Zoom platformā.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 3602 6316
Passcode: 052580

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Slice of Architecture: Language of architecture

The 2023 open lecture “Slice of Architecture” series will begin with an experience lecture from Tatiana Voitovich. Tatiana is a latvian born artist and architect, currently living in New York, she will talk about her experience graduating Bernard and Ann Spitzer School of Architecture (Part of City College Of New York), focusing more on school projects and how communication and teamwork played a huge role in them.

Lasīt vairāk

SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE: Spatial development for Zunda park

Continuing our Slice of Architecture open lecture cycle this Friday, 02 of Dec. at 12:00. This week RUUME arhitekti will describe spatial development for Zunda park. The lecture will happen in the FAD studio. However, for those who cannot attend - follow the link below and join us online!


Lasīt vairāk

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