Starting from April 2, RISEBA SO FAD* relaunches cycle of public lectures - SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE. Each week different architects and theorists will discuss and tell about the architecture, design practices, study experience in Latvia and abroad, architectural theory and philosophy. First SLICE of the spring semester will take place on Tuesday, April 2, 16:00 when architect, writer und curator, Lukabuka creator IEVA ZĪBĀRTE will give lecture Storytelling about her recent book Process III.
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RISEBA FAD organizē starptautisko vieslektoru atklātās lekcijas, lai iepazīstinātu ar arhitektūras profesionāļiem, kas šajā mācību gadā vada arhitektūras studentu darbu. Pirmdien, 3. decembrī, plkst. 18:00 Arhitektu namā notiks arhitekta un urbānista Berta Gellinka lekcija 1010 [ten-ten] - TELPA LAIKS CILVĒKI. Berts Gellinks šobrīd Rīgā ir RISEBA Arhitektūras un Dizaina fakultātes vieslektors un vada arhitektūras projektēšanas studiju I kursa studentiem.
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RISEBA Arhitektūras un Dizaina fakultāte organizē ārvalstu viesprofesoru atvērtās lekcijas, iepazīstinot ar arhitektūras profesionāļiem, kas šajā mācību gadā vada RISEBA FAD arhitektūras studentu darbu. Visi interesenti ir aicināti uz pirmo OPEN LECTURE 5. novembrī, kad uzstāsies arhitekte, dizainere un urbāniste Sintija Markova (Cynthia Markhoff).
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This semester RISEBA FAD organizes lecture serie „Practical philosophy” led by architecture theorist Alexander Rappaport (Александр Раппапорт). Students from other faculties are also welcome to join. Check the schedule and feel free also to attend separate lectures.
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Starting from September 24, RISEBA SO FAD* launches cycle of open public lectures - SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE. Each week different architects and theorists will discuss and tell about the architecture, design practices, study experience in Latvia and abroad, architectural theory and philosophy.
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