Current teaching staff
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Fakultātes dekāns, maģistra programmas direktorsRudolfs Dainis Šmits,Dipl. Arch., is a dean of the faculty and MA Architecture program director, lecturer. Dainis is also a globally experienced architect – currently leading his own practice RDSA Studio based in Riga. He studied architecture, art history, and painting at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and theology at Covenant Theological Seminary. St. Louis in the USA.
Dainis has over 30 years of experience working in multi-cultural environments (e.g. Europe, Middle East and Central Asia). As principal architect and design manager he has been involved and lead various largescale commercial, residential, and civic projects. Design collaboration as associate architect with Gunnar Birkerts FAIA on the National Library of Latvia, Riga (2006-2012) and with Hill International, Senior Design manager for The Grand Egyptian Museum, Cairo (2012-2016); Heneghan-Peng Architects, Dublin; and WestField Hamburg-Uberseequatier, port development project (2017), participating architects (e.g. Christian de Portsamparc, UN Studio, HPP International and others).
Internationally, he has focused on project idea delivery, design management, and specialist experience incl. design innovation and research, technical detailing and value engineering of complex building envelope systems, specialist facades systems, curtain walls, glazed structures; stainless steel and stone cladding systems.
Academic interest and research include architecture theory – a critical approach to design and reading architecture distinguishing between idea, concept and affect vs. projective architecture. He is investigating architectural space and aspects of memory, meaning, duration, transcendence, presence and parallel investigations in abstract painting – exhibited locally and internationally (e.g. Latvia, Estonia and the USA). His projects have received local recognition and international citations for design excellence (e.g. LAS, AIA). Previous teaching experience – adjunct faculty member at Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2nd-year studio design instructor and professional practice lecturer (2000-2003). -
BA arhitektūras programmas direktoreZane Vēja is an architect graduated both RISEBA FAD Bachelor and Master programms. Both graduate works focused on Urban public space development proposals in historical environment – Jēkabpils historical center (BA) and Riga Central Market and Central railway station territory (MA). International experience gained while studying in Istanbul Bahcesehir University. During studies gained experience in many workshops and competitions. From 2016-2019 worked on several elevated infrastructure projects collaborating with structural engineering companies Vektors, Ceļuprojekts and Rodentia, including design proposals for bridge over Daugava in Jēkabpils and Pedestrian bridge over Vecdaugava in Carnikava.
Viespasniedzējs kursā Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijāEfe Duyan, born in İstanbul in 1981, teaching theory, history, and design at Mimar Sinan FAU since 2013. He has affiliated with several universities for research or guest lectures, such as Berlin Technical University, Ca' Foscari University, Minnesota University, Istanbul Technical University, Atalanta University, Iowa University, George Washington University, and Boston Massachusetts University.
His fields of research are contemporary design, critical design perspectives, spatial experience, architectural writing and theory, Early Modernism, and the history of Eastern Mediterranean architecture.
He has studied architecture and philosophy at METU (BA - 2005), History and Theory of Architecture at YTU (M.S.-2008), and History of Architecture in Mimar Sinan FAU (PhD-2013).
As an advocate of freedom of expression and creative thinking, he has been an active cultural actor curating international events, workshops, and conferences, in addition to his work in academic editorship.
He has also an international career as a poet and author. His poetry has been translated over twenty-five languages and invited to numerous literary events in the world, including Iowa University’s International Writing Program and St. Louis University’s Hurst Professorship program.
Kursu Arhitektūras vēsture un Arhitektūras projektēšana III & IV docenteIlze Paklone holds Doctoral Degree in Architecture from Riga Technical University completed in 2015 with the thesis Visual representation in spatial planning in Latvia. From 2011 until 2015 supported by the Japanese Government Scholarship program Monbukagakusho she was a doctoral and research student at The University of Tokyo Urban Design and Conservation Laboratory focusing on the legal framework, theoretical and practical approaches to urban planning in Japan. Her field of expertise in architecture and spatial planning includes such competences as 1) extensive experience in design and technical projects within international teams 2) teaching and research at university level 3) publications for architects and wider audiences on contemporary architecture 4) graphic design with particular emphasis on visualizations for urban design.
Ilze has gained the teaching experience starting from 2010 at the Riga Technical University, Latvia and Keio University, Japan, where she was a guest researcher-assistant for the project Measuring the Non-Measurable. Her work experience in the architecture started already in 2002. Ilze is the co-founder of STUDIO WASABI (JP) and has worked in such offices as Wiel Arets Architects (NL), NRJA and Armands Bisenieks Arhitekti (both LV). Ilze has collaborated with RAFAEL A. BALBOA on publications for Italian magazine DOMUS and has a wide range of other publications in conference proceedings, graphic contributions for various publications, numerous presentations in the conferences and research activities.
Kursu Vizuālā māksla un Mākslas teorija docentsEducation: Art Academy of Latvia, pictorial art; St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture, named after I. E. Repin. Atis Kampars completed cultural heritage training in Salzburg, Austria; holds a strategic management certificate from School of Economics in Riga in cooperation with the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan (US).
Atis has started his doctoral studies in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture of Aalto University (FI) in 2010 with the doctoral research Culture of Academic Drawing – History, Problematics, and Context. He learned drawing in the University of Southern Maine (US) and in the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki (Kuvataideakatemia). He worked as Erasmus guest lecturer in several Scandinavian high schools. A participant in various European fine arts and design schools’ conferences; he represented Baltic fine arts schools in the North Association of Fine Arts High Schools (KUNO) from 2002 to 2006. He’s been working as an expert in higher education in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania since 2001. He participated in BA and MA theses defenses at the University of Tartu Institute for Cultural Research and Fine Arts and Vilnius Academy of Arts. He is an art expert at the European Union representational offices in Latvia since 2010. -
Arhitektūras un dizaina fakultātes iepriekšējais dekāns, lektorsDr.h.c.arch. Jānis Dripe is former dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at RISEBA. He was a head of the faculty from 2015-2020. He is currently working also as an Architect and Expert on architecture and creative industries at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia. He is a former City architect of Riga (2006 – 2011), Head of State Protocol (2002 – 2006), Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of Sweden (1996 – 2001), Minister of Culture of Latvia (1993 – 1995) and President of Architects Association of Latvia (1993 – 1996). Jānis Dripe is also an author of more than 300 articles on architecture and culture in Latvian and foreign newspapers and magazines. He is an author of the book „Architecture in Latvia 1991 – 2011” and others.
Profesors un vadošais pētnieks Latvijas arhitektūras vēsturēDoctor of Architecture, received his degree in architecture at Riga Technical University, worked for the state company Pilsētprojekts (Latvian Town Planning Institute) in the Urbanism Workshop; in 90-ties he joined State Inspection of Heritage Protection as the founding Director of Latvian Museum of Architecture and remains strongly connected to it as a Curator and member of the Scientific Council. He was Guest lecturer of History of Architecture and Architectural Design in RTU, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning. He has finished EU Training Course Sustainable Cultural Heritage in London, UK, and is expert in architecture, urban planning and practical site management. Editor-in-Chief of bi-monthly magazine Latvijas Architektūra, historian of urban planning, author of the books Rīga, kuras nav (Never built Riga), monographs on Latvian architects Modris Ģelzis, Andris Kronbergs and others. Member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Architects, Ex-Chairman of the Board.
Lektors Projektēšanas pamatu un Arhitektūras projektēšanas kursosArchitect and urban planner, founder of the architecture practice DJA, based in Riga. Didzis Jaunzems received his degree in architecture in Riga Technical University. He has also studied at Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Politecnico di Milano in Italy. Likewise, he has participated in architectural summer schools in The Netherlands and Finland, workshops in India, China, and Switzerland, as well as various architectural competitions around Europe. Before founding DJA, Didzis Jaunzems worked in the worldwide recognized and leading architecture office OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture) on library, exhibition-park, university projects in France, Moscow agglomeration project in Russia and other country scale urban planning projects in the Middle East.
Vieslektors studiju kursā Basics of Design IMāris Bardiņš ir Arhitekts, pilsētplānotājs un AAStudio – Rīgā bāzētas arhitektūras un pilsētplānošanas studijas, vadītājs. Viņš tic koncepta virzītai arhitektūrai, kura risina laikmetīgas, sociālas, kulturālas, vides un ekonomiskas problēmas ar skatu uz labāku nākotni. Viņš ir absolvējis arhitektūru un pilsētplānošanu Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē, 2012 gadā. Kopš tā laika, Māris Bārdiņš ir strādājis vairākos dažāda izmēra projektos un ir bijis iesaistīts godalgotos, internacionālos arhitektūras konkursos Latvijā, Francijā, Norvēģijā, Krētā, Austrijā un citur. Kopš 2019 gada viņš ir vieslektors RISEBA universitātē, arhitektūras un dizaina fakultātē un ir piedalījies kā kritiķis Vismāras Tehnoloģiju universitātē. Viņa arhitektūras un urbānās plānošanas prakse – AAStudio ir orientēta uz sadarbību un izpēti balstītu pieeju, izaicinot konvencionālu domāšanu un tiecoties uz inovācijām, optimizēšanu, ilgtspējību un funkcionalitāti.
Profesors kursā Vides psiholoģijaProf. Greg MacDonald works in the fields of psychology, innovation, creativity, strategic planning and international business. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology (visual perception/communication) from the University of Alberta in Canada and MBA in strategic planning and international business from Sydney University, Australia. He has taught architecture students at the University of Melbourne, University of Auckland and at the Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen.
Prof. MacDonald taught psychology at the Copenhagen University and business at the Stockholm School of Economics and Oslo Business School. Greg has written 46 books and papers including a recent book on Innovation in China, innovation, and creativity at UIB in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Currently, he is working on the research on the nomadic hunters and gatherers, sustainability, and the Atlantis diaspora. -
Viespasniedzējs kursā Arhitektūras projektēšanaFrancisco Martinez graduated with the diploma of Architecture from ETSAV Valencia and Paris la Defense, and holds a Master degree in Arts and New Technologies from Fine Arts Valencia. Since 2016, he is working as the partner in the Paris office of the Swiss architecture firm Kubota & Bachmann Architects. Francisco is involved in the several projects of cultural and educational buildings, as a Theater in Strasbourg (France) and the recently won competition Aitex Lab in Alcoy (Spain).
Francisco has long collaborated with renowned architects Jean Nouvel (2000-2007) as a project architect for the Agbar Tower in Barcelona, and OMA (2010-2016) as the project director of the Bibliotheque Alexis de Tocqueville in Caen, France. -
Vieslektore Interjera Dizaina kursāEva Staņēviča vairāk nekā 20 gadus ir saistīta ar interjera dizainu, interjera apdari, produktu dizainu un projektu vadību un strādājusi gan Latvijā, gan starptautiskā mērogā, tostarp Rīgā, Milānā, Londonā, Pjačencā un Padovā.
Viņas pieredze interjera dizaineres un projektu vadītājas amatā ietver dažādus ēku un telpu veidus, sākot no: komerctelpām, viesnīcām, spa, bāriem un kafejnīcām, birojiem un dzīvojamo māju projektiem.
Viņa ir strādājusi par interjera dizaineri, projektu vadītāju un iepirkumu uzraudzītāju, strādājot tieši ar klientiem vai arhitektiem, darbuzņēmējiem, profesionālu pakalpojumu firmām un izstrādātājiem.
Eva regulāri apmeklē nozīmīgākās pasaules mēbeļu un dekoru dizaina izstādes, un ir nodibinājusi daudz kontaktus starp Itālijas un Lielbritānijas ražotājiem, tādējādi piedāvājot zināšanas par FF&E līgumu slēgšanu un konkursu organizēšanu klientu vārdā.
Eva ir ieguvusi arī maģistra grādu Mākslas vēsturē un teorijā Latvijas Valsts Mākslas akadēmijā, jo vēl viena no viņas profesionālajām kaislībām ir rakstīšana par dizainu arhitektūras un interjera dizaina žurnāliem, piemēram, Latvijas Architektūra un Deko. Kā arī Evas interjera dizaina projekti ir publicēti vietējā un starptautiskajā presē.
Eva pati savu biznesu vada kopš 2005. gada, ir Latvijas Dizaineru biedrības biedre un sertificēta interjera dizainere.
Viespasniedzēja Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijāArhitekte Liena Šiliņa, MADE arhitekti, NOONSOON
Studējusi Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē un Lundas universitātē Zviedrijā. Ar Fulbraita stipendijas atbalstu ieguvusi maģistra grādu Ilinoisas Universitātē Čikāgā Arhitektūras skolā (UIC School of Architecture). Sertificēta Pasīvo ēku projektētāja. Zināšanas papildinājusi vasaras skolās un kursos Vācijā, Somijā, Slovākijā un Latvijā.
Kopš 2010. gada MADE arhitektu sastāvā strādājusi pie Saldus mūzikas un mākslas skolas, Latvijas paviljona EXPO Milānā, Salaspils bērnudārza, Dailes teātra priekšlaukuma un citiem projektiem un godalgotiem konkursu priekšlikumiem.
Dibinājusi arhitektu biroju NOONSOON, kas šobrīd strādā pie Grupu mājas jauniešiem ar smagiem attīstības traucējumiem Imantā un vairākiem privātmāju projektiem. Arhitekta praksē meklē intelektuāli izaicinošus uzdevumus un atjautīgus risinājumus.
Vieslektors studiju kursā SocioloģijaJonass Būhels (Jonas Büchel) ir profesionāls sociālais darbinieks, kultūras menedžeris, kopienu darbinieks kā arī pilsētplānotājs. Viņš ir Urban Institute līdzdibinātājs Rīgā un vieslektors Latvijas Universitātē. Kopš 2022. gada vieslektors RISEBA FAD.
Pēdējos gados koncentrējoties uz kultūras plānošanas teorētiskajām koncepcijām un praktisko pielietojumu, kā arī līdzdalību/koprades metodoloģijas ieviešanu reģionālā, pašvaldību un kopienas vidē.
Jonas ir līdzautors KAP programmai un ir kopā ar saviem kolēģiem no Urban Institute un Latvijas Republikas Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministriju izveidoja IMC semināru ciklu. Jonas ir “FREE RIGA 2014”, vēlāk kustības “FREE RIGA” (NVO) līdzautors, kā arī asociācijas Urban Institute līdzdibinātājs, valdes loceklis un projektu vadītājs.
Vieslektors studiju kursā Architecture Design IJonass Nordgrēns (Jonas Nordgren) ir arhitekts, Schauman & Nordgren Architects līdzdibinātājs, Dānijas Arhitektu asociācijas (MAA), kā arī Zviedrijas Arhitektu asociācijas (SAR) biedrs. Jonass Nordgrēns (Jonas Nordgren) ir Kopenhāgenas Karaliskās Tēlotājmākslas akadēmijas arhitekts, kā arī mēbeļu dizainers no Dānijas Dizaina skolas. 2005. gadā viņš tika iebalsots par vienu no 10 pasaulē visvairāk meklētajiem dizaineriem pakalpojumā Wallpaper. Kopš tā laika viņš ir piedalījies starptautiskās izstādēs un ir publicēts dažādos žurnālos un grāmatās, piemēram, Casa da Abitare, Wallpaper, Blueprint un grāmatā Nordic Designers. Jonass Nordgrēns (Jonas Nordgren) 2012. gadā absolvēja ar izcilību, pirms turpināja savu profesionālo karjeru uzņēmumā COBE Architects. Uzņēmumā COBE Jonas strādāja pie vairākiem atzītiem projektiem, piemēram, PFA biroja ēka Kopenhāgenā, ESS, European Spallation Source un Science Village Scandinavia Lundē.
Schauman & Nordgren Architects ir arhitektūras un pilsētvides dizaina studija, kas atrodas Kopenhāgenā, Dānijā un Helsinkos, Somijā. Studiju 2015. gadā dibināja Teds Šaumans (Ted Schauman) un Jonass Nordgrēns (Jonas Nordgren). Ziemeļvalstu studija ar starptautisku pieeju
Vieslektors studiju kursā Basics of Design IArhitekts Reinis Prēdelis Studējis Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē un Valensijas Politehniskās universitātes arhitektūras fakultātēs, papildu kompetences apguvis Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā. Vairāk nekā desmit gadu profesionāla pieredze arhitektūras jomā, līdzdibinātājs un vadītājs multidisciplinārai arhitektu komandai. Dažādu ievērojamu projektu un konkursu darbu autors un līdzautors. Vērienīgākie projekti – Biroju komplekss VERDE, t/c “Akropole” arhitektoniskais tēls un risinājumi, viesnīcu komplekss Vecrīgā, Grēcinieku ielā 23/27, konkursu darbi – sociālo dzīvokļu komplekss Nīderlandē, Vikingu muzejs Oslo, Norvēģijā, biroju ēka Rīgā, Valdemāra ielā 47 u.c. Arhitektūras radīšanā novērtē asprātību, nopietnu attieksmi pret detaļām kā arī spēju saskatīt kopainu un procesus novadīt līdz rezultātam.
Arhitekts Reinis Prēdelis ir arhitektūras biroja AROUND dibinatājs (2022).
Viespasniedzējs Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijāHarijs Alsiņš is an architect and the founder of Alsins Architecture, a design-driven architectural and urban planning practice based in Riga. Harijs received his Diploma at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, but has also studied in Riga Technical University, the University of Brighton, and University College London – The Bartlett. Prior to founding Alsins Architecture, Harijs has spent some time working in several world-class architecture practices – MAD in Beijing, Gage/Clemenceau Architects in New York, Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura in Barcelona, and Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands in London.
Former Teaching staff
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Viespasniedzējs Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijāRamón Córdova González is a Mexican architect and researcher, graduated with a Master of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences from TU-Delft in the Netherlands with a cum laude distinction. He has been a holder of excellence scholarships since 2009 and received several recognitions and awards for his academic achievements like the I Biennale of Student Architecture of Yucatan or the XXX Architectural Design Award Alberto J. Pani in Mexico City. For several years, he collaborated in the Mexican architecture firm Seijo Peon Arquitectos, becoming its creative director in 2017. Since 2019 he has been collaborating with the Latvian architecture firm Mark Arhitekti. Parallel to work in architectural practices he has developed several architecture, research and art projects and has presented his work in different forums in Mexico, Greece, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Latvia. He has taught Design studio and Conceptual representation courses at the Architecture School of the Universidad Marista de Merida in Mexico. In 2018 he was awarded a scholarship from the Mexican Fund for Arts and Culture in the program “Jovenes Creadores” (Young Creators) during which he developed a project titled Ecologies of Informality, which became a part of the exhibition “Creacion en movimiento” in Leon, Mexico. His work has been published in such books as Contested Borderscapes Transnational Geographies vis-à-vis Fortress Europe in coauthorship with Heidi Sohn (Mytilene, 2018) and Monstrous Ontologies: Politics Ethics Materiality in co-authorship with Signe Pērkone (London, 2020).
Viespasniedzēja kursā Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijāSusanne Brorson graduated with a Diploma degree in architecture from Bauhaus-University in Weimar, also holding a RIBA part 3 from Bartlett School of Architecture, London. After working in numerous award-winning practices such as Jarmund Vigsnaes Arkitekter in Oslo; East and Stephen Taylor Architects in London or Gonzalez Haase AAS in Berlin, Susanne was an Associate at Karakusevic Carson Architects in London and Amsterdam, where she was responsible for several social housing and urban design projects. Susanne Brorson is also currently finalizing her Ph.D. studies at Technical University Berlin, typological research on ‘Climate-responsive design principles of vernacular farmsteads and settlements in the Baltic Sea area and their potential application today, for which she was awarded a scholarship from the Professorship Program of Germany.
She has taught and lectured in various architecture schools, for example as an assistant professor at Brandenburg Technical University or adjunct professor at Potsdam School of Architecture, when she was emphasizing the consideration of climate-related aspects into the architectural design process. In 2019, Susanne was appointed professor at Wismar University of Technology, representing the department of Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture. Next to her academic career, Susanne is a director at Studio Susanne Brorson, an architectural practice based in Berlin and the Baltic island of Rügen.
Kursa Arhitektūras projektēšana III vadītājs / RISEBA Goda profesorsAcquired architectural qualification after graduating Riga Technical University. Worked as an architect and project architect in the national planning institute Pilsētprojekts from 1975 to 1985. From 1985 until 1998 has been deputy head architect of Riga city. Since 1989 one of the founders and leaders of ARHIS ARCHITECTS – one of the biggest and most established architectural practices in Latvia.
ARHIS ARCHITECTS have worked on large scale projects on a city planning scale, creating a broad selection of solutions for various territory planning projects and development visions. They participated in one of the biggest city planning events of past years concerning the creation of the vision for the development of Daugava’s left bank in Riga. Andris Kronbergs led and participated in the planning processes of large-scale projects of both civic and public importance, like the Riga Airport, The National Bank of Latvia building – both construction and reconstruction, offices, commercial buildings, and residential housing. ARHIS ARCHITECTS constantly has been a place where architectural students, both local and foreign, have gained practical experience during their internship in different fields of profession. The office takes an active part in the architectural competitions of local and international importance. The projects of ARHIS ARCHITECTS several times won the Grand Prix of Latvian annual architecture award, together with many other nominations and awards in separate project categories. In the year 2003 architect A. Kronbergs was nominated for the Pritzker Prize.
Since 1985 A. Kronbergs has been supervising diploma projects and reviewed works, was a participant of the National Evaluation Committee in Riga Technical University and Riga Building College. He has given lectures both in Latvian universities and abroad. The current problems concerning city planning, architecture and social-politic aspects are known well enough due to participating in the Council for Preservation and Development of Riga Historical Centre, Latvian National Architecture Council, Board of Latvian Architect Union and Riga City Architect’s Collegium. -
Viespasniedzējs Arhitektūras projektēšanas studijā un arhitektūras maģistra programmāViesturs Celmiņš is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, social anthropologist specializing in urban planning and design, interested in social change and its impact on the quality of life in cities. Currently, he is a director of the board at VEFRESH innovation district and a researcher in INTERREG project "Augmented Urbans" focusing on the use of immersive technologies in urban planning.
From 2007 to 2010 he coordinated the sustainable development strategy "Latvia 2030". Between 2012–2015 he was a supervisor at the University of Cambridge, Division of Social Anthropology and also co-organized the "City Seminar" series at CRASH. In 2016 he contributed to the making of the Baltic Pavilion for the XV Venice Architecture Biennial. From 2016 to 2018, he researched the future of knowledge territories in the Baltic region as a part of “Live Baltic Campus” at the University of Latvia. -
Kursu Projektēšanas pamati I & II vieslektoreMalgorzata Maria Olchowska is an architect and a printmaker living and working in Antwerp, Belgium. She studied architecture at TU Wroclaw (PL), Lincoln University (UK) and at Delft University of Technology (NL) from which she graduated in 2007. In 2008 she started to work as an architect in Belgium. Between 2009 and 2018 she studied printmaking at Academy of Arts in Ghent.
At this moment she is combining her own practice (Atelier Maria York) with teaching at Ghent University of Technology, KU Leuven Campus Sint Lucas Gent and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences. Atelier Maria York was established in 2016. The atelier is set up with the idea of combining the skills, crafts, and knowledge in architecture, art, printmaking and furniture making. https://malgorzatamariaolchowska.com -
Arhitektūras teorijas kursa viesprofesorsSven Verbruggen earned his master's degree at the University of Ghent in 2000. During the first years of his professional career, he worked on international projects for renowned offices such as Neutelings Riedijk Architecten and SOM. Currently, he holds a private practice and is affiliated with the University of Antwerp and the University of Ghent.
His Ph.D. dissertation is an inquiry into architectural design theories of the recent past and how they affect our understanding of the design process today. Sven Verbruggen participates in the architectural discourse with work in practice and theoretical work that contributes to a critical reflection on the discourse. His private practice combines the rationality of building in practice with a broader intention of contributing to a cultural production through architecture. -
Kursa Arhitektūras projektēšana IV viesprofesorsThomas Stellmach graduated with the Dipl. Ing. Architecture degree from TU Berlin, and is best known as the founding director of TSPA Making Cities, and as planning expert for UN-Habitat focusing on the sustainable urbanism in a transforming world. He is also a founding member of the housing cooperative urban coop Berlin with the objective to create inclusive affordable housing in Berlin. As the latest from the long list of the experiences and professional positions, from 2011 to 2017 Thomas has been Expert Consultant for UN-Habitat, Urban Planning and Design Branch, Nairobi executing the supervision of the Achieving Sustainable Urban Development Programme in three pilot countries, development of normative and policy papers, development of capacity building formats.
During his academic career since 2007, he has been the Assistant Professor at Berlage Institute (Rotterdam), Guest Lecturer at the Rotterdamse Academie Voor Bouwkunst (Rotterdam), Visiting Chair for Town Planning and Design at the Private University of Science & Arts (Aleppo). From the year 2017, Thomas is the guest professor at FAD.