MA Admission open

Applicants meeting RISEBA FAD general eligibility criteria for Master's studies will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Portfolio
2. Interview
Application documents should be submitted in person. If an applicant cannot submit their documents in person, they can be submitted by another person upon presentation of a notarised letter of authorisation or upon a previously established oral authorisation done by the applicant in person at RISEBA offices
Applicants that have obtained their previous education in Republic of Latvia can register electronically for undergraduate studies within a specific period of time through the eservice portal The electronic application must be approved, arriving in person at one of the unified admission points, showing one's identity document and documents originals of general secondary or vocational secondary education, as well as certificate originals from centralized exams (here and after – CE). Registration for undergraduate studies outside of the period of unified application for undergraduate programmes or registration for higher level studies can be done electronically at RIS.
Applicants who have obtained previous education outside of Republic of Latvia, can register for highest level studies electronically, using the application portal RIS.
Admission results of the highest level of studies shall be determined and approved by the Admission Committee. Admission results are announced within five days after the competition closing date.
More about the study programme here.
More about the admission requirements here.