SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE: architect Andrés Ros Campos / Apr 19, 17.00

Welcome to the upcoming guest lecture at FAD – ANALOGIES IN ARCHITECTURE by architect Andrés Ros Campos (ES) on Thursday, April 19, 17.00.
Andrés Ros Campos holds Degree in Architecture from the Polytechnical School of Architecture (UPV) of Valencia, Spain. He received PhD in architecture in 2016 with the thesis titled “Carlo Scarpa. The abstraction as an argument of the sublime”. Andrés has worked in Valencia on the projects related to architectural heritage and new building projects with architects Carlos Campos González, Gonzalo Almazán & Javier Soriano, and with José María Tomás.
Andrés works at the CEU UCH University in Valencia since 2002 as a teacher in the areas of Architectural Projects, Theory of Architecture and Drawing. He has been Academic Secretary of the ESET CEU UCH from 2005 until 2010. He has been project manager of CEU UCH Team for the international competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2010. Moreover, he has been Coordinator of the Master of Sustainable Architectural Design and Energetic Evaluation of the Building of CEU UCH. Currently, Andrés is the International Coordinator of the Technical School of the CEU UCH.
The lecture will be held in English. Location: RISEBA Architecture and Media Centre H2O 6, Street Durbes 4, 3rd-floor design studio (room 303).
SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE is an open lecture cycle organized by RISEBA University Faculty of Architecture and Design where professionals are invited to talk about the field of architecture, design practices, urbanism, study and practice experience in Latvia and abroad, actual topics in architectural theory and philosophy, and much more.