1st YEAR STUDIO / LAT HOUSE (Living Apart Together)
On 27th of May, the first year students of RISEBA FAD presented their final projects for a family house in Ķīpsala. Together with the tutors of the studio, visiting jury members were invited to review the projects - Cynthia Markhoff, Kelly Nelson and Zaiga Gaile. The jury of the final project will be the apotheosis of one year of intensive work performed by the first year students of the RISEBA FAD. In the faculty the design studio is the central place where students can explore and experiment with the design of architecture, a place where we are “thinking by making”, a process in which rationality meets intuition and culture meets engineering.
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RISEBA augstskolas Arhitektūras programma Atvērto durvju ietvaros piedāvā arhitektūras meistardarbnīcu vidusskolniekiem, topošajiem arhitektūras studentiem. Meistarklases laikā dalībniekiem būs iespēja, iepazīt skolu, gūt pieredzi un iemaņas strādājot arhitektu darbnīcā, veidot telpiskus modeļus un koncepcijas. Meistarklasi vadīs RISEBA FAD arhitektūras dizaina pasniedzēji Cynthia Markhoff (UNStudio, Amsterdama) un Oskars Redbergs (Arhitektūras programmas direktors).
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Henrijs Vigo Lācis (24.12.1929.-14.07.2012.) pazīstams kā būvinženieris, kurš projektējis Latvijā daudzas nozīmīgas ēkas. Arhitektūra ir inženieru pūliņu spogulis, jo viņu veikumu tīrā veidā nereti ir grūti parādīt. Visbiežāk tieši šī iemesla dēļ būvinženieru darbs negūst tādu ievērību kā arhitektu veikums, lai arī tieši inženieri ir tie, kas arhitektu domu spārnoto lidojumu padara realizējamu.
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Two days, in February 25 and 26, first year architecture students participated in the scenography workshop led by young, well recognized and experienced set designer Reinis Suhanovs. After reading A. Chekhov's "The Seagull" they had a task to translate two different atmospheres from the play into the stage design concept.
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Saulkrasti is a town in Latvia, which lies on the east coast of Gulf of Riga. It stretches across 17 km from Lilaste river to Zvejniekciems village. Saulkrasti is one the most important beach cities in Latvia. It is a unique city in chameleonic appearance: in the summer the amount of inhabitance multiplies by 10, a difference of 6000 inhabitants in the winter to almost 40.000 in the summer. This implicates the need of a very flexible city with an explosion of programs during the summer. In the winter the city looks almost dead but maybe you can find possibilities to make this city attractive 360 days in a year?
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