The semester focus for third year Architectural Design II students was on investigating and dealing with the terra incognita of architecture and urban design: those unprecedented spaces that emerge as a result of contemporary urbanization; spaces that have evolved over and above the awareness of - and control by – architects and urban designers; spaces that fundamentally differ from the classical European city Riga originated from. Students developed an architecture project from the outside: subject to their own analysis and interpretation, students defined their own site and own building to reconstruct with their individual program.
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1st year students (BD I) in the final jury presented their projects of architectural parasites for the house on the corner of Dzirnavu and Jeruzalemes streets. Along with the studio leader Manten Devriendt and tutors Linda Krūmiņa, Andy Rauchut, the projects were reviewed by the guest jury - architect Kelly A. Nelson (DK), architect and researcher Geo Reisinger (DE) and Architecture programme director Oskars Redbergs.
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No 5. līdz 6. septembrim RISEBA Arhitektūras un dizaina fakultāte organizēja braucienu uz starptautisko arhitektūras un urbānisma forumu Tallinas Arhitektūras biennāli, Biennāle ar saukli "recycling socialism" norisinājās no 4. līdz 30. septembrim un piedāvāja aizraujošu izstāžu, simpoziju un diskusiju programmu, kas fokusējas uz padomju modernisma atstāto mantojumu - arhitektūru un idejām.
Lasīt vairāk
Uzsākot 2013/2014. studiju gadu jaunie RISEBA FAD I kursa arhitektūras studenti ievadnedēļas ietvaros devās pa Rīgas nozīmīgākajām arhitektūras nozari pārstāvošajām institūcijām, lai tiktos ar nozares ekspertiem un iegūtu priekšstatu par arhitekta profesijas nozīmi. Arhitekti tikās ar Latvijas Arhitektu savienības valdes priekšsēdētāju Mārtiņu Ķibildu, Latvijas Arhitektūras muzeja direktori Ilzi Martinsoni un mākslas zinātnieci Ināru Apenu. I kursa studentus sveica arī Rīgas pilsētas arhitekts Gvido Princis.
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On June 12, 2013 RISEBA FAD students and tutors visited the building of National Library of Latvia. Jānis Kreicburgs who is an instructor of the course of Building technologies at RISEBA introduced with building construction process, siteorganization, building technology and materials, the use of the building.
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