The first five years of Architecture school in one book – FAD BOOK Camera

In early March, 2017, the first extensive edition by RISEBA FAD was published – “THE FAD BOOK. The First Five Years of FAD. 2011–2016”. The publication is a school book in three languages covering the period from the establishment of the Architecture school in 2011 under the leadership of architect Oskars Redbergs until 2015 when the first fifteen graduates defended their BA thesis projects and the fourth incoming class finished their first-year studies. The brief insight is given also in the study year of 2015/2016.

The book assembles the best architecture student projects from the first through third year during the five years of the faculty as well as the architecture bachelor projects and looks back into into life of FAD's community. The FAD book reveals the scope, diversity and typology of the study tasks which have considered actual urban and socioeconomic processes in Riga and beyond. Editors-in-chief and authors of the concept: Dina Suhanova, Igors Malovickis.

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LA Nr. 128 (2016./2017.) features student workshop in Aizpute and spatial installation in the front yard of H2O 6

Žurnāla "Latvijas Architektūra" Nr. 128 (2016./2017.) rubrikā "Vide" publicēts nelielu aprakstu (autore Dina Suhanova) par 1. kursa studentu projektēto un būvēto vides objektu H2O 6 pagalmā - Rīga staro Zunda dārzā. Rubrikā "Izglītība" savukārt atrodams Jāņa Lejnieka raksts par FAD un Aizputes novada pašvaldības organizēto starpaugstskolu studentu plenēru Aizputes pils attīstībai.

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Japanese architecture magazine "a+u" published a special issue on Latvian architecture / guest editor FAD lecturer and researcher Ilze Paklone

In November 2016 the Japanese architecture magazine "a+u" published a special issue No. 555 showcasing Latvian architecture — "Feature: Latvia - Architecture Unfolding". Such publication on Latvian architecture is a first-time occasion in Japan. The guest editor of the special issue is FAD lecturer and researcher Dr. Arch. Ilze Paklone.

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FAD absolventes Līgas Treijas publikācija "Pašvaldības dzīvokļu fonda revitalizācija Rīgā" LA Nr. 127/2016

Žurnāla "Latvijas Architektūra" Nr. 127/2016 publicēts plašs FAD 2016. gada absolventes Līgas Treijas raksts "Pašvaldības dzīvokļu fonda revitalizācija Rīgā". Temata pētniecība aizsākās kā Līgas bakalaura darbs (vad. Dr. Arch. Jānis Lejnieks) un skar jautājumu par Rīgas pilsētā izkaisīto pamesto un degradēto dzīvojamo ēku potenciālu pašvaldības dzīvojamā fonda izveidē.

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