RISEBA Career days 2019

RISEBA Career Days is an event devoted to the launch and development of a students' career with guest lectures, company presentations, workshops, open lectures and tours held in cooperation with companies, organizations, and industry professionals. The main event – RISEBA Career Day 2019 – will take place on 9 April at RISEBA Architecture and Media Center H2O 6, Aistere Hall. Within the framework of the event, the visitors will have the opportunity to participate in "Speed dating with Career", participate in competitions and receive prizes and enjoy musical surprises at the end of the event!

RISEBA Career Days is a meeting platform that provides an opportunity for students, alumni, and other interested persons to meet with companies, organizations, and industry professionals. Career days will ensure students receive up-to-date information, build contacts and collaborate during the study time.
RISEBA students and graduates, lifelong learning course participants, Vocational secondary school “Victoria” students, students from other universities and also to anyone who is interested in career development are invited! Up-to-date information about RISEBA Career Days 2019 can be found also on Facebook.