HYDROCITY: Urban Water Edge Conditions in Kipsala, Latvia, and Wirral, UK.

A collaborative design laboratory by Manchester School of Architecture and RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design

We invite you to experience the vision of the Manchester School of Architecture and RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design students on water edge conditions in Kipsala, Riga and Wirral Waters, UK. The exhibit will open its doors in the RISEBA H2O Quarters, Durbes Iela 4, at 18:30, March 13, 2024.


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Entrance exam in drawing

Foreign applicants do not have to take an entrance exam in drawing. Applicants must submit a portfolio of creative work according to regulations.

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Join the Daylight Talks lecture this week on Thursday, Feb 15, 13.00 at Riseba University / FAD Durbes iela 4 (3rd floor studio). LMDA director, researcher, also architect and designer Liene Jākobsone will talk about LIGHT, VIEWS AND TRANSPARENCIES. Talk introduced and moderated by Dina Suhanova.

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Apply for the Professional Masters degree programme "ARCHITECTURE" until January 31st, 2024!

The studies are conducted in English and begin on February 1. 2024.

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International workshop ConnectA 2024 Camera

RISEBA FAD students and tutors participated in the international student workshop ConnectA 2024, organized by ERASMUS partners CEU UCH (CEU Cardenal Herrera University) in Valencia, Spain. This year's workshop was dedicated to designing a “beach scenography” for a coastal area, and was led by the founding architects of the Athenian studio AREA (Architecture Research Athens). 

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