Latvian Architecture school workshop 2020

Since 2006, as every year, the Latvian School of Architecture will hold a workshop. This year's theme is OUT OF THE GRAY AREA or UNUSUAL ADVENTURES ON THE WAY FROM ZEMITANI TO BRASA. This year, the plein air will take place remotely, maintaining the current format and settings, management from the Sports 2 Quarter. The plein air will take place from September 28 to October 2.

See the official invitation (LV) HERE

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Beginning of the study year 2020/2021 for undergraduate students at RISEBA FAD

WELCOME TO RISEBA! The new academic year for architecture students at FAD will commence on September 1.

1st-year architecture students are invited to meet at the Architecture and Media Centre H2O 6 (Durbes Street 4, 3rd floor) on 1 September, 11.00 for introduction with the head of the faculty Jānis Dripe and faculty staff. Later architecture students will be joining other students and following the remaining program – official address by RISEBA Rector, introduction to the University, culture, standards, teaching staff, and students from other programmes. The program of the introduction week is HERE.

Durbes Street 4 in the lobby from 20.08. you can see the exhibition of RISEBA School of Architecture works!

Please note – in the evening of September 4, the Student Council is throwing a party in some cozy place Kalnciema street “Ezītis Miglā” to celebrate the New Academic Year! Come and join!

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