BAUA AWARDS 2022 is won by Jānis Apsītis (LV) RISEBA and Merilina Kaupa (EE)

On October 21, BAUA Awards 2022 competition took place in the "Lielais Dzintars" concert hall, in Liepāja. Young architects from Baltic States were awarded with prizes for best diploma thesis.
Jāni Apsītis (LV) from RISEBA University of applied sciences with the project "Expansion of Winter Sports Facilities in Sigulda. Ski Jumping Hill” supervisors Dr.arch. Ilze Paklone, Dr.arch. Efe Duyan and Merilin Kaupa (EE) from the Estonian Academy of Arts for the project "Practical Utopias" was recognized by jury as the winners of the competition.
While BAUA awards began only in 2012 Riseba FAD has already obtained four recognitions.
The jury also singled out three projects that won honorable mentions, and they are:
- Kotrinas Bajorinaites (LT) (Kotryna Bajorinaitė), Aurēlijas Kniukštaites (LT) (Aurelija Kniukštaitė) and Jones Virbickaites (LT) (Jonė Virbickaitė) joint diploma project “Creating a Quality Environment According to the Criteria of the New European Bauhaus. Naujoji Vilnia”;
- Justīnes Kates Hesses (LV) diploma project “Bolderāja and Daugavgrīva Cultural Regeneration: Waterfront Intervention Scheme and Love Island's Boardwalk” RISEBA university of applied sciences;
- Enelī Klīmanas (EE) (Eneli Kleemann) diploma project “Home in the office-community-led housing in Maakri quarte”.
This year 15 projects from seven Baltic universities of architecture were nominated for the competition - Estonian Academy of Arts (EST), Tallinn University of Technology (EST), Kaunas University of Technology (LT), Vilnius Academy of Arts (LT), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT), Riga Technical University (LV) and RISEBA university of applied sciences "RISEBA" (LV).
All participants' works can be viewed on the BAUA website -
International jury consisting of David Cook from Germany, "haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050", Andra Šmite - architect, chairman of the jury of the "Latvijas Arhitektūras gada bolvas 2022", Mantas Daukšys, Lithuanian Architects' Union Klaipeda chairman of the county organization and Aet Ader, vice president of the Estonian Association of Architects evaluated competition participant works.
The event was organized by the Baltic Association of Architects' Unions (BAUA), the Lithuanian Architects' Association (LAS), the Estonian Architects' Association (EAA) and the Latvian Architects' Union (LAS), the Young Architects Club "Atelpa" and the innovation platform "Morberga Studija".
Supporters of the event - the Latvian State Cultural Capital Fund, the Estonian Cultural Foundation, the Lithuanian Cultural Council, the building materials production company "Knauf" and the city of Liepāja.
Recording of an event - and
Text provided by BAUA AWARDS 2022 press release
Photos: R.D.Šmits, and BAUA AWARDS 2022