RŪTA MEIERE / BA Thesis / 2015 / From industrial to office: conversion of the industrial building on 11 Vienības Avenue, Riga, into the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia

Theoretical part: Reflection of power and ideologies in the architecture of the state government administration buildings in Riga / Supervisor: Dr. arch., asoc. prof. Jānis Lejnieks
Practical part: From industrial to office: conversion of the industrial building on 11 Vienības Avenue, Riga, into the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia / Supervisor: Mg. art., Dipl. arh. Dina Suhanova
When looking at the large number of employees in the administrative sector, the critical state of working conditions in government institution buildings becomes apparent. Research on the topic shows that only a few ministries are located in buildings constructed for their specific functions, while the majority of them are located in adapted apartment buildings in Riga centre, where strict building regulations and norms apply. The construction of new administration buildings is a lengthy and expensive process, so relocation of the institutions is not happening at a satisfactory rate. This thesis project offers an alternative – conversion of an industrial building to fit the needs of the Ministry of Health. The ministry issued a request for larger facilities in 2007, aiming to merge subordinate institutions that are spread throughout the city. With its loadbearing structure intact, the industrial building allows for the exploration of different office layout principles.