The exhibition of RISEBA FAD graduates' works “Liminal Scripts”

Liminal Scripts*
In March 2020 the pronoucement of a global pandemic has shut down social interchange and human passage, transportation systems and economic activity, locally and globally. Human mobility incercepted by governmental mandates to curb the obiquitous virus’s impact, has collapsed social and economic forces essential to a sustainable planet.
When such dynamic flows and forces essential to urban and cultural development cease architects are challenged to find a mechanism and ideas capable of scripting scenarios within given restraints. Can architecture stage opportunities, or augment conditions, within this liminal frame work, to propose ‘rites of passage’ for its inhabitants to overcome this present condition of ambiguity and disorientation?
The answers to these circumstances and cultural-social challenges were captured in final theses by RISEBA FAD graduates, who defended and obtained an academic bachelor's and professional master's degree in architecture at the end of January 2021.
13 students defended their bachelor's thesis: Elīne Rudene, Katrīna Prancāne, Monta Strūve, Camila Yakubova (KG), Jelizaveta Lavrentjeva, Adrian Busuioc ( MD), Aiga Daumane, Lūcija Turka Marija, Dita Strenga, Linda Bērtule, Zanda Bojāre, Rūdolfs Bartuševics and Carolina Illera Barberi (USA).
The bachelor's theses were evaluated by an examination commission chaired by Professor Andrés Ros Campos of Valencia. Members of the International Jury Dipl. Arch., Didzis Jaunzems (LV), Dr. arch., Susanne Brorson (DE), Mg. Arch., Ole Wiig (NO), Mg. Arch., Gunta Grikmane (LV).
As well as equally importantly, 10 master's students defended their thesis: Joel Kime Mukena Mukulay (CD), Pāvels Osipovs, Silvestrs Korčinskis, Ivars Paeglītis, Kitija Ozoliņa-Zelča, Grauziņš Valters, Katrīna Liepa, Elza Rone-Sila, Mārcis Tretjakovs, and Alisher Sadykov (KZ).
The master's thesis was evaluated by an international commission chaired by Ole Wiig, a well-known Norwegian architect and visiting professor at many universities. Members of the International Jury prof. Andris Kronbergs (LV), Dr. arch., Andres Ros Campos (ES), Mg. Arch., Toomas Tammis (EE), Mg. Arch., Gunta Grikmane (LV).
The exhibition of graduates' works “Liminal Scripts”, from 01.04-30.04 can be seen at RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design, Durbes Street 4, Ground Floor Lobby.
Due to precautionary measures and pandemic restrictions, no opening event is planned for the exhibition.
Colleagues, family members, friends and guests - you are welcome to see the exhibition!
*Liminal /ˈlɪmɪn(ə)l/
1.relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
2.occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.