RISEBA FAD & AVMM Summer School announced!

The ultimate goal of the summer school is to blend architecture and multimedia arts disciplines together through the prism of the small towns in Kurzeme (Latvia) and rich traditions of the Livonian coast. Location: Rīga – Roja, Jūrmala, Ķemeri, Kaltene, Ģipka, Dundaga, Talsi, Sīkrags, Košrags, Pitrags.
The summerschool will be led by international team of multidisciplinary professionals. The study process will be structured thoughtfully through the lectures, seminars, excursions, workshops, collective workshops, territory mapping, environmental analysis, incubation, realization and implementation of the idea. By working in a multidisciplinary and multicultural creative environment participants will have a unique educational experience, which will be complimented with a special creative event Roja film festival. Participants will gain specific knowledge about the Latvian culture, language and creative processes, as well as develop a wide network of professional contacts. Program and more detailed description here.
All summer school participants who successfully complete the study programme and create an interdisciplinary artwork will gain 3 ECTS credit points. The programme is open to international students from relevant disciplines.
Participation fee: 700 eur. Latvian residents and RISEBA students can receive a 50% discount. Note that foreign students can apply for the Latvian State scholarships. Information about scholarships for international participants. In order to apply for the summer school, you must provide the complete application package to [email protected]:
- completed application form / dowload it here;
- CV with your photo;
- Photography of the artwork of your own creation.
General application deadline: 15.05.2016. Deadline for scholarship seekers – 04.05.2016. Results to be announced by: 06.06.2016.
Contact information:
RISEBA University
Faculty Of Architecture And Design
Programme Directors:
Architecture – Jānis Dripe ([email protected])
Audiovisual Media Arts – Jānis Holšteins ([email protected])
Project managers:
Nikola Matjušenko, [email protected], phone: +371 27 332 294
Kristīne Obodova, [email protected], phone: + 371 22 306 619
Jānis Bērziņš, [email protected], phone: + 371 26 116 090