Rīgas Nākotnes Vēsture

RISEBA Faculty of Architecture and Design's leading researcher and lecturer Dr. Arch. Jānis Lejnieks book " Rīgas nākotnes vēsture " recently has been published by "Zinātne" publishing house. It contains additional materials that were previously published as a bibliographic rarity in the book " Rīga, kuras nav " as well as a completely new section that relates to the time since Latvia regained independence. The publication conveys historical ideas, contemporary projects, and future visions regarding the relationships between the city and the country, both in terms of resource redistribution and private capital - urealized future plans become part of history. The book also reveals the individuals – architects, politicians, and business people – who initiated or halted future projects of Riga. This publication serves as an excellent insight into the chronology of the spatial development of the city of Riga for both students and industry professionals. We are proud of the achievements of our teaching staff.