International student workshop "Wooden architecture heritage of AIZPUTE", May 9–12, 2019

International architecture student workshop "Wooden architecture heritage of Aizpute" will be held from May 9 to 12, 2019 in Aizpute. Workshop will identify the values and propose development of the wooden architecture heritage of Aizpute town – cityscape, street landscape, materials, colour schemes, signs and details.
Participants from RISEBA, Vilnius Art Academy Klaipeda faculty, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (landscape architects), Riga Technical University will take part in the four-day programme.
The workshops will be led by invited experts and tutors: architect Malin Belfrage (White Architects, Sweden), Dr.arch. Jana Jākobsone (City architect of Kuldīga), Dr.arch. Jānis Lejnieks (RISEBA, chief editor of magazine “Latvijas Architektūra”), Jānis Kreicburgs (Skonto būve, RISEBA),, artist Martinas Lapas (VAA, Klaipeda faculty), Dr.arch., prof. Aija Ziemeļniece (LUoLST), Mg.arch. Egons Bērziņš (RTU), Dr.arch.h.c. Jānis Dripe (RISEBA).
The programme of the workshop – here.