Starting from September 24, RISEBA SO FAD* launches cycle of open public lectures - SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE. Each week different architects and theorists will discuss and tell about the architecture, design practices, study experience in Latvia and abroad, architectural theory and philosophy.
- 24.09. Didzis Jaunzems
- 01.10. Matīss Groskaufmanis
- 08.10. Vents Vīnbergs
- 15.10. Liene Griezīte, Arhitektes Lienes Griezītes studija
- 22.10. Mārtiņš Ošāns, MARK
- 29.10. Uldis Lukševics, NRJA
- 05.11. Manten Devriendt, SAMPLING
- 12.11. Jānis Taurens, Dr. Phil., LMA asoc. prof. (13:30)
- 19.11. Zaiga Gaile, Zaigas Gailes birojs - CANCELED!!!
- 26.11. Zane Tetere, OpenAD
- 03.12. Māra Ābele, Jaunromāns un Ābele
- 10.12. Sintija Vaivade, Arhitektes Sintijas Vaivades birojs
Lectures (approximately up to 1 h) will be held every Monday, Architecture and Media Centre H2O 6, Street Ūdens 6, 3rd floor at 12.00 (some lectures at 13:30). Everybody is invited! Take a slice of pizza with you!
* SO FAD – Student Organization Faculty of Architecture and Design