SLICE of ARCHITECTURE lecture cycle as parallel session of the RISEBA University international scientific conference: Apr 28, 14.00

Welcome to join the three lecture cycle (Slice of Architecture) starting at Riseba University / FAD on Apr 28, 14.00 – 16.00, room 303:
- Architect and guest teacher Dirk Jan Postel (NL) with the lecture "Stepping up ambitions: our cradle-to-cradle design book"
- 3rd-year Architecture design studio and tutor Ilze Paklone about their studio research on University Campuses
- Architect and guest teacher Bart Melort (BE) with the topic "Sustainable business".
The lecture cycle is organized as the parallel session of the 10th Annual Scientific Baltic Business Management Conference of RISEBA University “Sustainable Organisations: Creating and Managing in Turbulent Business Environment” taking place at RISEBA Arhitektūras un mediju centrs H2O 6.