SLICE OF ARCHITECTURE: arhitect, teacher and PhD student ELENA MALTCEVA (RU) / Thursday, Oct 17, 13.00

SLICE of ARCHITECTURE lecture cycle this study year restarts with a lecture "Industrial areas in an urban environment. Ways of renovation. Liquidation or modernization of industrial areas? (architectural and town planning aspect)" by ELENA MALTCEVA (RU) from Tyumen State University of Architecture.
Elena Maltceva is an architect and PhD student with a passion for architecture and design and work for the re-use of existing buildings. She believes in the importance of preserving, recycling and embracing the architectural past whilst re-animating buildings and overwriting with a contemporary layer of time. Elena Likes to travel and is fascinated by different cultures, traditions and landscapes.
Time and venue: Oct 17, 13.00, 3rd floor design studio at H2O 6 Architecture and Media centre, Durbes Street 4. Everybody is welcome.