Apply for studies now here, or at RISEBA Information Centre at 3 Meža Street, Riga.
The academic bachelor study programme "Architecture" is an international, contemporary and competitive architecture study programme taught in English. The number of recognised local and foreign professionals from architecture and related fields together with the students make up the faculty’s multicultural community thus opening the gateway to the international careers.
Degree awarded / Bachelor of Engineering Sciences in Architecture
Language of instruction / English
Accreditation / Until December 31, 2021*
CP / ECTS / 140 CP (120 ETCS)
Study form / Full time day studies
Language / English
Tuition fee per year / 6700 EUR (for citizens of EU, EEA, CIS countries, Georgia, Ukraine and other countries); 5360 EUR (for citizens of Latvia)
Programme length / 3,5 years
Required documents:
Copy of previous education completion certificate or diploma (original must be presented), Portfolio representing your creative skills ( portfolio's format is open for interpretation for applicants, can be digital of printed)
4 photos (3 x 4 cm),
Passport copy (original must be presented) or valid ID,
Curriculum Vitae (required for postgraduate study applicants only).
Find more general information about application here and about admission procedure for international students is available here!
The entrance examination in drawing and composition - July 21, 2022 at 10:00 - 17:00**, Durbes street 4, 3rd floor studio.
Exam day schedule**:
10.00-13.00 – drawing ( 1.group), composition ( 2.group)
13.00-14.00 – lunch break;
14.00-17.00 – drawing (2.group), composition (1.group).
*Accreditation process is currently ongoing.
** Entrance examination time might be updated. All applicants will be notifided in case of a schedule update!
If you have already applied for studies and you have unresolved issues related to it, please e-mail Foreign Student Coordinator Ms. Karinē Manučarjana [email protected]